PVB 501/2 PRO lluminator LED
6 April 2018
Color control station CCS LED D65 S1
9 April 2018PVB 501/3 PRO lluminator LED
Category: PVB illuminators
Profi View Box (PVB) Illuminators allow an objective assessment of the color on the analog originals and test prints (proof) in the identical lighting conditions. They are designed for computer image processing and printing products designing and are used for work at computer stations which are not protected from incident external lighting.
All the models of the PVB illuminators are equipped with LED light sources of the test temperature of 5000/5500/6500K (D50/D55/D65), and (depending on the model) with the light intensity regulation, additional side lamp and side curtains protecting the evaluated original material from incident external light.
The offer includes three sizes of illuminators delivered with different options of equipment.